Monday, October 6, 2008

Rain: Nature's Practical Joke

As expected, it did rain today.

This morning wasn't so bad for me, really. It was only lightly sprinkling outside, so everything was tolerable. I didn't get too wet, and I didn't get too cold since I had a sweatshirt on over my jersey. It was fun and perfect.

Fast forward to my afternoon ride home. I was already grumpy because I was once again riding nto a headwind. I sat there on the saddle of my bike, thinking and pondering. No, it's not going to rain. I've made it most of the way home and it's not going to rain.

All of a sudden, when I got to the last major bridge I'd have to ride under, it started pouring. We're not talking about having a light rain preceding the heavy rain. No, my friends, it was P-O-U-R-I-N-G pouring. It was like God grabbed a little flower watering can and decided to dump it on me in one simultaneous moment.

Instead of waiting it out under the bridge, I decided to brave out the rest of the journey home. Riding in rain and wind sucks, but I'd like to reiterate the fact that riding in both of these conditions sucks. It sucks a lot. It especially sucks on a pedestrian overpass bridge, where the winds are higher. I actually had to walk my bike because I was scared that my bike was going to fall over.

When came home my clothes were soaked like I had just gone for a romp in the swimming pool with my clothes on. So the moral of this story, friends, is this:

If you're a bike commuter and you can do this, wait out the torrential downpours under a bridge or something. Your clothing and sanity will that you for that =)

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