Monday, November 24, 2008

Planning for the Future

I've been sick recently. My boyfriend, who has a long history of bad allergy problems, said that his allergies were acting up really bad last week. Well, guess what? It wasn't allergies. That's all I can say right there!

Needless to say, things have been sucking lately as far as bike riding goes. I want to go out but a) the wintery winds have struck here in Kansas and b) it's hard to do that when I'm sick as hell. I've been riding a stationary bike. It's ok, I guess, it's just really boring.

I miss bike commuting. I miss riding on Wichita's bike paths. If I get a co-op job I'll most definitely move out of this house and into my own apartment. I'll move into a place near a bike path and just bike commute everywhere.

I probably could bike commute if I wanted to still, but that would be a summer project. This is when the days are long and time will most definitely be in my favor.

For now, I look at this stationary bike in my living room and I cringe. Oh bike, how I miss riding thee!

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